Training to Teach “Introducing Mindfulness” – A 10-day Teacher Training Intensive – Begins June 30

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Please note: Registration has closed for this program. To see available programs, visit our programs page.

Special Pricing $150.00 off. Use code TT150-456

We offer flexible payment plans to accommodate your financial needs allowing you to invest in your training without undue financial burden. For more information on our payment options, please contact us at

Bring Mindfulness to Your Organization, Community, Healthcare Setting, or the General Public

Location: Live Online via Zoom

DATES: June 30 – August 19
PROGRAM DATES:  June 30, July 1, 7, 8, 14, 21, 22, August 11*, 12*, 18, 19
*NOTE: You will only attend one Teaching Practice day, either August 11th or 12th. Please schedule to attend both days for now, until you are advised which you will attend.
Please note, there are no program sessions July 15, 28, 29, August 4, and 5

A 10-day Intensive Course: Training to Teach “Introducing Mindfulness” 

Are you seeking to cultivate your own mindfulness and make a positive impact without spending years in teacher training? 

This unique and expertly designed course is offered in collaboration with Oxford Mindfulness Foundation. The course is designed to help you bring mindfulness into your workplace, healthcare, or community setting, skillfully, meaningfully, and efficiently.

Participants learn to teach Introducing Mindfulness, a 3- and 5-week program for workplace, education, criminal justice, healthcare setting, or for the general population. 

Training to Teach “Introducing Mindfulness, a 10-day, 80 hour teacher training course, provides the skills and attitudes needed to teach mindfulness practices and to present mindfulness talks. This program deepens your personal practice, develops teaching skills, and trains in theory, research and professional competencies. The training includes experiential practice, didactic teaching, skills training, and mentoring. 

Learn to Teach Both 3- and 5-session Programs

Learn to Teach the 3-session program – 1 hour each session

The core 3-session program offers an introduction to mindfulness practice and theory in a format intended to be accessible to anyone new to mindfulness. Three key themes are explored:

  • Attention – Understanding the mind’s natural tendency to be scattered and to wander; how we can train attention to create choices about where and how we place attention.
  • Knowing and Being – Exploring different ways of knowing and being; recognizing how much of our experience is shaped by our thoughts; that other more experiential and observing modes are available to us.
  • Responding not Reacting – Recognizing the difference between reacting and responding and developing ways to create the space to make choices between them.
Learn to Teach the 5-session program – 1 hour each session

The 5-session program includes all the teaching from our 3-session course and in addition, there are two sessions added. These two additional sessions are given in partnership with the workplace, community, education, or healthcare setting.

One session is added before the three-session program. This session explores the specific challenges people in the organization are experiencing. The second additional session is added after the three session program. This last session reviews the possible impact of mindfulness on these challenges.

During the training for ‘Introducing Mindfulness,’ you will receive guidance on collaborating with organizations to create these additional two days of training, utilizing inquiry and reflective listening skills.

Program Benefits for Your Participants of Introduction to Mindfulness 

This teacher training program will show you how to teach mindfulness in a way that supports:

  • A sense of more space or time in the day
  • An ability to resource oneself in more challenging moments such as distractedness, stress or anxiety
  • An ability to begin to respond throughout the day with greater clarity, compassion in ways that align with what’s important 
  • Greater appreciation of what is pleasant and enjoyable in life

Who is this for? 

This training is for those who would like to introduce mindfulness into their work, organization, community or other settings but don’t intend to teach full 8-week courses. For example, it is suitable for those intending to introduce brief mindfulness sessions in general population contexts, workplaces, and educational settings, and for healthcare and mental health professionals planning to introduce mindfulness practices in clinical settings.

The Introducing Mindfulness program is intended to be delivered to adults.

Learn to Teach with Confidence

  • Develop teaching skills in presenting practices and talks
  • Deepen your personal practice
  • Learn about the research and science of mindfulness 
  • Develop your professional teacher competencies

What will you learn? 

  • Understand the Introduction to Mindfulness curriculum, including its intentions and the rationales for its elements
  • Introduce elements of the curriculum in an embodied way
  • Conduct basic inquiry and understand group processes
  • Understand theoretical, empirical, and ethical foundations of the program

Curriculum materials and handouts for the program are provided. The MHI also provides a Certificate of Completion to participants who attend the training. This program developed in collaboration with Oxford University and the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation.

Training Includes: mindfulness practices, mindfulness teaching skills training, feedback and guidance from mindfulness teachers, personalized mentoring.

Prerequisites – You are eligible to attend this course if you 

  • Completed one of the three 8-week Mindfulness course as a participant: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR); Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), or Mindfulness for Life
  • Have a regular personal mindfulness practice, ideally for at least a year
  • Have the knowledge and experience of the population and context where you would like to teach, for example, workplace, education, criminal justice, physical or mental healthcare, or general population
  • If relevant, access to suitable technology, internet capacity, space, privacy and the technical ability to join an online training program via Zoom with video on.
  • Complete the Course Application (Space is limited. Please register for the course and complete the application. A full refund is available if eligibility criteria are not met based on the application process.)

Tuition: $2195.00

Special Pricing $150.00 off. Use code TT150-456

We offer flexible payment plans to accommodate your financial needs allowing you to invest in your training without undue financial burden. For more information on our payment options, please contact us at

Join us to explore how mindfulness may support you in living life more fully, with greater ease and joy.

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