
What is a Multi-Course Mindfulness Teacher Training?

A One-Year Intensive 

This one-year mindfulness teacher certification course offers a comprehensive understanding of mindfulness practices and teaching methodologies, ensuring a solid foundation for teaching Introducing Mindfulness, Mindfulness for Life, Finding Peace in a Frantic World, and for clinicians, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. 

It also allows for deep personal practice and professional development, equipping participants with the skills and confidence needed to guide others in mindfulness.

Registration Options

What Can I Learn in the Multi-Course Mindfulness Teacher Training Intensive in 28 Days over the Course of One Year?

Become Certified to Teach 3 Courses

This Multi-Course Teacher Training is for those with no previous training in teaching mindfulness.  Upon completion of this training, you are qualified to teach three courses:

  • Introducing Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness for Life 
  • Finding Peace in a Frantic World

For clinicians only, you have the option of training to teach Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in addition to the above courses.

What are the benefits of this teacher training?  What will you be able to do?

  • Offer sessions introducing mindfulness
  • Guide mindfulness practices and exercises
  • Understand the scientific underpinnings of mindfulness
  • Understand the theoretical foundations of MBCT
  • Bring a variety of mindfulness tools to a wide-range of organizations, communities, and individuals

Course Registration Options and Pricing

Tuition: $6,040.00
Payment plans are available at checkout. See our refund policy.

All courses are in ET (Eastern Timezone). Convert to my timezone.

Upcoming 12-month Mindfulness Teacher Training Courses

All 12-month Mindfulness Teacher Training courses are currently closed. 

Join the Waitlist


Don't see dates/times that work for you?  Join the 12-month Intensive Teacher Training waitlist to be notified when a course is available. 

What are the Prerequisites?

You are eligible to attend this training if you have:

  1. Completed an 8-week Mindfulness for Life course in person or online (not self taught)

  2. A regular personal mindfulness practice of at least 12-months (this does not need to be the Mindfulness for Life practices, but can be another mindfulness practice)

  3. Knowledge, competencies, and experience of the population and setting where you plan to teach. For clinical populations, a professional qualification in a relevant healthcare or mental health field is required. 

  4. Experience working with individuals and groups using skills such as empathic listening, teaching, therapy, counseling, coaching, or facilitating other group activities

Note: This one-year training is also open for those already trained in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and other mindfulness-based programs and who want to add additional courses to their portfolios. 

What is the Curriculum Overview of the Multi-Course Mindfulness Teacher Training?

The 12-month mindfulness teacher training is a comprehensive program designed to equip trainees with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively teach mindfulness through three courses. It consists of four progressive stages: building a foundational understanding through practices and theoretical study, deepening ethical considerations and personal practice, developing teaching skills and facilitating group sessions, and delving into advanced topics like communication and program implementation. This robust training experience prepares trainees to guide others in mindfulness practices with confidence and proficiency.

In 28 days over the course of 12 months, this teacher training program covers Stages 1-4 of a 6-Stage certification pathway

Stage 1: Building a Foundation

Participants focus on building the foundational elements of Mindfulness for Life by engaging in practices and exercises, dialogue and inquiry, and theoretical bases of MBCT.

Stage 2: Taking it Further

Participants continue to build upon the foundation laid and emphasizes ethics, the orientation, assessment, origins of mindfulness, and a personal practice intensive.

Stage 3: Group skills & Teaching

Participants develop group management and teaching skills, incorporating the instruction of the Mindfulness for Life curriculum in groups. Participants also begin teaching the Introducing Mindfulness curriculum and either the MBCT for Depression (for clinicians) or Finding Peace curriculum and Mental Health Awareness (for non-clinicians)

Stage 4: Advanced Topics

Participants delve into advanced topics such as inclusion and communication, implementation, safeguarding, and research and evaluation components. The program concludes with a closing day, providing a comprehensive training experience.


After completing the 12-month training, you are required to teach at least two Mindfulness for Life courses under supervision.

If you are a clinician and training to MBCT, then you are required to teach at least two MBCT courses under supervision.

Stage 5: Supervision

After completion of the 12-month training, teachers-in-training can independently progress to teaching at least two Mindfulness for Life courses under supervision.

It is your responsibility to organize your two full-length Mindfulness for Life courses – perhaps teaching friends and family or within your chosen context – and teach, or co-teach, under supervision from a trained mindfulness supervisor who is familiar with your context and the curriculum you are teaching.

You are required to complete Stages 1-5 in their entirety before you can apply for an MHI Trained Teacher Certificate or Assessment of Competency (Stage 6).

Stage 6: Applying for Certification

After teaching at least two 8-week courses under supervision, teachers in training can apply for either or both of the Trained Teacher Certificate or Certificate of Competency. 

These certificates are available only to those who complete the full MHI teacher training program, including teaching a minimum of two (2) courses (described below) while being Supervised.  

  • Trained Teacher Certificate: This certificate confirms that you have completed the 12-month training pathway and that you have taught at least two courses using a full-length MBCT curriculum (MBCT in a clinical context, Mindfulness for Life, or Finding Peace in a Frantic World) under supervision. This certificate does not involve submission of teaching videos or an MBI:TAC assessment and does not certify your level of competence. Your supervisor/mentor will have seen samples of your teaching and will be asked whether they support your application.
  • Certificate of Competence: This certificate requires a full competency assessment using the MBI:TAC. It involves submitting recordings of you teaching a complete MBCT course. The Certificate of Competence is awarded if your teaching is assessed as competent, or above, using the domains of the MBI:TAC. This assessment is an internationally recognized process, and assessments are made by highly experienced assessors who have undergone lengthy and rigorous training in how to assess reliably.